There are many types of phobia — including fear of flying, crowds, heights, open spaces, certain animals, thunderstorms and social situations like eating or speaking in public — but they all have one thing in common: they can be treated successfully with hypnotherapy.
Phobia Hypnotherapy from The Mind, Body & Soul can help you become desensitised to your phobia. Our expert and fully-qualified Phobia hypnotherapists will help you understand the underlying reasons behind your fears and how to develop a much more relaxed response to situations in which your phobia is triggered.
For maximum effectiveness, we would normally recommend two to three relaxing hypnotherapy sessions at a private centre in Colchester, Clacton, Braintree, Sudbury or at a location convenient for you. So why not set yourself on the road to a phobia-free future and book an appointment with us today?
Amongst many others, we can help you to beat the following phobias: Emetephobia (fear of vomiting or being sick), Coprophobia (fear of going to the toilet and passing faeces), Social phobias (social anxiety, fear of being judged, fear of public speaking, telephone use, blushing, writing in public, stammering etc), Fear of dentists, Fear of driving, Animal phobias (fear of animals such as cats, mice, rats, snakes, spiders or insects), and Aviophobia (fear of flying).